Campo is an environmental modelling framework for the construction of spatio-temporal models with support for field-based and agent-based phenomena. Campo provides the elementary building blocks for the construction and execution of field-agent models: operations accepting both fields and agents as arguments, and operations that are dedicated either to fields or to agents. Campo resembles and extends the map algebra approach to field-agent modelling and allows for the construction of static or dynamic models.
Campo is an umbrella framework combining several technologies in one modelling environment: We build upon LUE, a recently developed conceptual and physical data model for storage and access of field or agent data. For model execution we build upon the PCRaster modelling framework, and for field-based spatial operations on PCRaster. Campo is available as a Python module. Campo also makes use of other scientific packages such as NumPy, GDAL, xarray, and pandas.
Campo is a software framework under development with focus on feasibilty rather than performance. We expect to replace computational intensive operations with operations from the LUE framework at a later stage.